Navigating a Spiral Staircase and the Importance of Visual Anchors




The circular staircase that I feel lost while walking on it. When I circulated the staircase, as there was no change in the environment while walking, I felt lost because I wasnโ€™t sure if it was me or if the staircase was moving. Once I saw the exit or there was painting on the wall, I felt a lot better.


Maybe the same in a task without a visible outcome?


Being in a circling staircase was like being in the middle of a task. The nonchanging environment while walking was like working on a task without a visible outcome. The confidence in the task was like believing there would be an exit. Seeing the exit was like having a visible outcome; the change in the wall was like the progress made in the task. This helped me understand better why is important to have short-term wins in a project.