Category: Life

  • How Electric Toothbrushes Harness Water Flow for Enhanced Dental Care




    Electric toothbrushes use the water flow generated by the vibration of the brush head to create a stronger cleaning power than the friction of the brush head. Question: Can we use the same method in marketing promotion? Associating: The vibration of the toothbrush is like the initial promotion activities, and the water flow it generates…

  • Success in Collaboration

    The collaboration series between Uniqlo and JW ANDERSON was very successful, and it exposed both brands to people who only know one of them. Questioning: Can we use the same method at work? Associating: The collaboration of brands is a resource sharing. Brands with different customer bases can collaborate to share and gain customers from…

  • Shapes and Colors in the Game of Go




    Shapes and Colors in the Game of Go: Questioning: Why M&Ms chocolate doesnโ€™t have beans in black and white color? Associating: The shape of the stones in the game of Go looks very similar to the M&M chocolate. They can launch a series of go chocolates in black and white colors.

  • Go Rules: The Survival of Stones in the Presence of Allies




    In the game of Go, a stone or a group of stones that are solidly connected and share the same color are captured and removed from the board when the opponent occupies all the intersections directly adjacent to them. Nevertheless, the stones remain alive as long as there is at least one stone of the…

  • Pixel Power




    The higher the pixels of a digital camera, the clearer the photos. Questioning: Is it the same for the understanding of something? Associating: The pixel is like the dimension of the data we analyze. The more dimension of data we can collect, the more thorough the analysis and understanding of things could be.

  • Flora Harmony: The Crucial Role of Microbial Balance in Intestinal and Skin Health

    The human intestine and skin rely on flora balance to stay healthy. An imbalance in the number of certain floras can lead to disease. Whether it is good or bad for our health depends on whether it is balanced. Questioning:  It may be the same for a team. Associating: Each flora is like an attitude…

  • Brewing Perfection: The Art of Crafting Espresso in Three Simple Steps

    The steps for making espresso are to grind coffee beans into a powder of suitable fineness, compress it, and inject boiling water under high pressure to extract the espresso. Questioning: Isnโ€™t it the same way that we analyze information? Associating: The coffee bean was like the raw information. We needed to break it down into…

  • The drip irrigation systems




    Drip irrigation systems, unlike other forms of irrigation, such as only 65-75% efficient sprinklers, are 90% efficient at allowing plants to use the water applied.  And it reduces runoff and evaporation. Drip irrigation applies the water slowly at the plant root zone where it is needed most. Questioning: Can this method be applied to the…

  • The Finger as the Ultimate Tool for Measuring Rice Cooking Water




    The magical rice cooking water measuring method. Itโ€™s practical as it doesnโ€™t require any tool. Your finger is the best measuring tool that works on any container. Though looks not logical, itโ€™s the best method, proven by experience. Questioning: Can we use a similar method to measure ourselves? Associating: Though the others can measure us,…

  • Navigating a Spiral Staircase and the Importance of Visual Anchors




    The circular staircase that I feel lost while walking on it. When I circulated the staircase, as there was no change in the environment while walking, I felt lost because I wasnโ€™t sure if it was me or if the staircase was moving. Once I saw the exit or there was painting on the wall,…